For those lucky homeowners, doing everything possible to keep your basement dry and clean is vital for the ongoing stability of your home’s foundation. Several nasty diseases can spawn from mildew and mold as a result of moisture. These diseases can run amok in your damp basement and cause extensive damages.


Additionally, such maintenance can improve the overall safety of your home’s environment. Here are some aspects to consider when doing some basement waterproofing.

Start from the top

Without proper gutters and drain spouts installed, water running off your roof can quickly seep into your basement. Clogged or missing gutters can cause water to land close to the foundation and eventually seep into the basement walls.

You should inspect your gutters regularly for leaks or clogged areas. Repair any issues fast before they cause extensive damages. You can install a plastic screen or mesh over the gutters to prevent large debris from becoming stuck inside.

Where does your water run?

Your yard should slope away from the house so that rainwater diverts away from the foundation. If possible, re-grade your property so that it drops about 6 inches for every 10 feet. It is best to hire or consult with a professional even if you have the equipment to get the task done.

Do you have an egress window or window well?

Water can easily collect in those wells during a rainstorm. Likewise, they also act as a holding tank for moisture against your foundation so it is a good idea to cover them. Plastic window well covers are a few dollars at most local home improvement stores.

Sometimes the water comes from inside

Reduce internal moisture and condensation by using a dehumidifier. Make sure you insulate air conditioning ducts and your pipes.

Bathrooms within basements can also be a real source of mildew buildup and mold. These rooms should be cleaned regularly and have proper ventilation, so the moisture does not have a chance to collect.

Revisit these areas of your house regularly to stay ahead of any new problems even if you have established that your basement is clean, dry, and protected.